Frequently Asked Questions

What makes TrainingElevator different than other online training providers?

We don't want to sell you admission to one class!  Instead we want a long term partnership with you.  Since we provide training and also manage it, we feel we are well suited to helping you with your needs.


It is really a complete business solution?

We offer training and software that allows you to capture all training from inside of Training Elevator and from other providers.  We cannot say that our training will fill every need you may have since we do not know what you do or where you do it.  As always it is up to your managers to make sure we fill your needs.  


How much does it cost?

In 2016, the average employer spent over $1,880 per employee on training. That's alot of     money and can be unaffordable to many small and medium sized businesses. With that in mind, we set a cost you can live with. Five dollars per employee per month on a one year contract. There is also a $5 per employee registration fee. 


What does my organization get for that cost?

Every registered employee gets access to almost every course on our website. The only courses they do not have access to are proprietary courses we host for specific clients. They have access to everything else. You will also get our Training Control Panel Database which operates under Microsoft Access and simplified training tracking.


Can I get proprietary classes for my employees?

We will be glad host a buleting board and training that is for your employees only, however we may need to charge for setting it up (see "The Real Cost of Training" page for more details) We will not charge for your registered employees to access the training. Only you and your registered employees will be able to access this training.


I have a suggestion for class. What is the best way to get this class added in the future?

If there is a suggestion for a class, we will take it in and evaluate it to the needs and demands of our clients. If the class is a benefit to our users, it will be developed and added in a timely manner. Suggestions are always welcome.


How do I know my data is secure?

We do not collect any data concerning any employees except for the number of employees that you wish to have registered. These employees are then stored as usernames and passwords. No other personal information is maintained. 


How can I get started?

You can get started by contacting Customer Service at Please include your business type, the number of employees you may enroll, any questions you may have, and any promotional codes you have access to. When we recieve the email, we will answer any questions and send you further information to include the user agreement that must be signed before enrolling.

Contact Us Today to Improve Your Training and $ave Money!

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